Health Kit

Showing 13–24 of 56 results



    Erectile Dysfunction AYURVEDIC KIT INCLUDES Natural Health Products


    • Male Health Compound Vegi Capsules – 60 Capsules – One Cap twice a day

    • Shilavit Vegi Capsules – 60 Capsules – One Cap twice a day

    • Time Plus  Capsules      – 10 Capsules – One Cap daily for 10 days


    1. Synergy Plus Vegi Capsules – 60 Capsules – One Cap twice a day
    2. Shilavit Vegi Capsules – 60 Capsules – One Cap twice a day
    3. Meta – Five Vegi Capsules      – 60 Capsules – One Cap twice a day


      AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR FEMALE ALOPECIA – FEMALE PATTERN BALDNESS – FPB It is the most common type of hair loss seen in women. It is also called Female Pattern Baldness –FPB . This is seen as hair thinning predominantly over the top and sides of the head. It affects approximately one third of all […]



    AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR FIBROMYALGIA FIBROMYALGIA Fibromyalgia is perceived as a Vata imbalance. Vata is the main imbalance and aggravated Vata destabilizes the nervous system and can create hypersensitivity leading to pain and tenderness. All people with fibromyalgia have two major problems: pain and fatigue. Treatment is focused on managing pain, fatigue, depression, and other symptoms common […]



    AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR FRECKELS   FRECKLES  OR  BROWN SPOTS Freckles are small flat brown spots less than 5 mm diameter with poorly defined margins and typically are the size of the head of a common nail. These spots are multiple and may develop randomly on the skin , especially after repeated exposure to the sun […]



    AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR FUNGAL INFECTIONS   AYUR- SUDHA’S AYURVEDIC FOR FUNGAL INFECTIONS Ayurvedic Creams  Ayurvedic and Herbal  Lotions Ayurvedic Wash or Cleansers Ayurvedic and Herbal Oral Medicines Herbal Anti Fungal Shampoo For the different types of Fungal , Candida , Pityriasis , Tinea Infections , Yeast Infections , the different medicines are used . ABOUT FUNGAL […]



    AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR GASTRIC PROBLEMS AYUR- SUDHA’S AYURVEDIC KIT FOR GASTRIC PROBLEMS The treatment is decided according to the dosha dominant i.e Vata , Pitta and Kapha. Oral Ayurvedic Medication as herbal formulations which checks the growth of toxins and helps to eliminates the toxins from the body. It improves digestion ,enhances the  immune system and […]

  • Gastritis Ayurvedic Kit


    AYUR- SUDHA’S AYURVEDIC KIT FOR GASTRIC PROBLEMS The treatment is decided according to the dosha dominant i.e Vata , Pitta and Kapha. Oral Ayurvedic Medication as herbal formulations which checks the growth of toxins and helps to eliminates the toxins from the body. It improves digestion, enhances the  immune system and strengthens the tissue of the […]

  • Herpes Zoster Ayurvedic Kit


    HERPES ZOSTER ( SHINGLES) Herpes Zoster is the painful blisters caused by the reactivation of varicella virus that causes chicken pox. It is also known as Shingles. Chickenpox usually occurs in childhood and the virus seeded to the nerve cells in the spinal cord, usually to that nerves that supply sensation to the skin. The […]



    AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR ICHTHYOSIS VULGARIS   ICHTHYOSIS VULGARIS Ichthyosis is a genetic skin disorder characterized by persistently dry , thickened , rough , fish scale. The prefix “Ichthy” is taken from the Greek root for the word fish. There are at least 20 varieties of ichthyosis , including inherited and acquired forms. Ichthyosis affects people […]

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ayurvedic Kit


    IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME – IBS / IBD Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a benign, chronic disease of altered bowel habits and abdominal pain. It is considered a functional type of bowel disorder and is said to be caused by heavy spasms of the large colon. No organic or structural cause can be detected (using currently […]



    AYURVEDIC TREATMENT FOR LEUCORRHOEA AYURVEDIC  TREATMENT  FOR  LEUCORRHOEA – SHWETA PRADER  AYUR- SUDHA’S    AYURVEDIC  KIT  FOR  LEUCORRHOEA The kit includes Capsules and Tablets and all the Ingredients are processed herbs as Ayurvedic formulations. Every single ingredient in our kit is properly processed and analyzed in the laboratory before reaching to the patients. This kit helps […]