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Vitiligo Ayurvedic Kit

Vitiligo Ayurvedic Kit





In Ayurveda it is called “White Leprosy” or KILAS . In modern Science it is called Leucoderma or Vitiligo.
It is  a disorder characterized by  well marginated milky white spots resulting from the loss of melanocytes.  It a disorder of Immune System i.e. Auto Immune Disorder.
It is the non infectious and non transmittable as it’s a disorder with color change only.

IN AYURVEDA it is termed a KILAS ,, and further known as DARUN ,, CHARUN and SHVITRA .
The disturbance of the Vata , Kapha and Pitta aggravates the Rasa , Rakta , Mamsa , Medas and it goes to the skin and causes the Discoloration of the skin in the patches.

The causative Factors are
Virudh Aahaar , Urges , Virudh Dincharaya , Kaal Virudh Aahaar , Kaal Virudh Dincharaya , Apakva Aahaar , Improper prepared Diet.

It includes

  • Oral Ayurvedic Medication as herbal formulations which checks the growth of toxins and helps to eliminates the toxins from the body. It enhances the  immune system and strengthens the tissue of the body. Helps the skin to re pigmentation.
  • Vitiligo Cure  Cream for local use. It helps to remove the dead skin and helps to regain the color of skin.
  • Vitiligo Ayurvedic Treatment is decided by Ayurvedic Consultant after assessing the complete case.
  • In some cases when medicines don’t gives the desire results, it implies that there is the blockage of channels called “Srotas “ so here we need Panchakarma purification therapies to open the channels and removal of toxins. Snehan , Swedana , Vaman , Virechana , Basti Karma are prescribed for  patients according to the disease , age and distribution of the Vitiligo.
  • In some cases Rakta Mokshan ( Therapeautic Blood Letting ) is very effective.
  • Medicines are decided by our doctors according to the prakruti of patient.

The  Steps  of healing with Anti Vitiligo Kit

  • The Skin Becomes slightly red , which shows that medicine start working on the skin
  • The small brownish spots getting appearing in the white spots of skin.
  • The margins of the white patches gets darker and squeezing the patch area  converting white skin into normal skin gradually.
  • The whole white patch area gets pinkish and red which gradually converts into normal skin colour.
  • The Healing Pattern may vary from patient to patient. The response of the immune system is fast in Some patients and in some slow. The severity of toxins in the body and their growth is another factor of healing.
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