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Pityriasis Disorders

Pityriasis Disorders





Pityriasis Disorders

The Medicines in kit are decided by our Doctors according to your Pityriasis Disorder.

These Kits Includes

  • Oral Ayurvedic Medication as herbal formulations which checks the growth of toxins and helps to eliminates the toxins from the body. It enhances the  immune system and strengthens the tissue of the body.
  • Herbal  Cream for local use. It  helps to remove the dead skin and helps to reduce skin problems.
  • Oil and Lotions  It lubricates the skin and helps to regain the skin turgidity & very effective in these  conditions.

Pityriasis –It is a type of Malassezia infection. It is a genus of fungi. Malassezia lipid dependant fungi and is naturally found on the skin surfaces of many animals including humans. Some of the species can cause hypopigmentation on the face , scalp , upper  trunk and other parts of the body.  This is also called tinea infection or Dermatophytes.

Pityriasis alba is a common skin condition which affects children and ocassionally young adults.
P. Alba is a nonspecific skin disorder presented with several round or oval erythematous scaly patches , leaves the areas of hypopigmentation that slowly resolves.
The triggering factors are
Humid climate , heat , soaps , dry skin , deficiency of vitamins and calcium , stress , worms and parasites.

Our Centre has made some oral medications in the form of tablets and syrups which is prescribed according to the undying cause. The herbal & Ayurvedic cream for Pityriasis Alba is very safe to use in all ages.

Pityriasis amiantacea is a skin condition in which there is excessive scaling of the scalp.  It initially characterized by the formation of tight scales on the scalp . Then this thick silvery or yellowish scales encircle the hair shafts and may bind down tufts of hairs.
It most commonly affects the ages of 25 to 50 and also those who have Psoriasis , Eczema , Seborrheic dermatitis and lichen simplex.

Pityriasis Aiantacea often causes hair loss , resulting in the removal of the scaly crust on the encased hairs. However the loss of hair is always reversible and hairs lost may grow back.
Causes are Scalp Psoriasis , Seborrheic Dermatitis , Atopic Eczema , Tinea Capitis , Head Lice and Lichen planus.


It is a very stressful and irritating , is not very difficult to treat. In the initial stages we give Herbal lotions for the local application on scalp that penetrates deep and unbinds the hairs so the scales comes out easily.
Herbal and Ayurvedic medications are also prescribed in later stage with herbal hair wash and herbal Shampoos made by our Advanced Ayurveda Skin Treatment Centre.


Pityriasis rotunda is a rare skin disorder characterized by round , scaly , pigmented patches that mainly occurs on the trunk , arms and legs. It is also known as “Pityriasis Circinata “ and “ Acquired Pseudo – Ichthyosis” .
It is of two types viz
Type 1 – seen mainly in black people older than 60 years and often associated with internal diseases or malignancy. It is most often occurs with liver and stomach cancer.
Type – 2 – it occurs in lighter skinned individuals younger than 40 years and often in several members of the same family. It is not associated with internal diseases or malignancy.

Causes Includes – liver diseases , tuberculosis , Cardiac Diseases , Pulmonary Diseases, CRF –Chronic Renal Failure , Nutritional Diseases , Malagnancies like – Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia , Squamous Cell Carcinoma , Multiple Myeloma-.

Ayurveda provides important clues for the modern practitioners for the many chronic diseases.

  • Oral Mixtures of Herbs and Herbo-Mineral Medicines.
  • Pancha-Karma Detoxification Therapies

Proper Internal and External Oileation and fomentation followed by Virechana and Sansarjan Karma .

  • Blood Letting – Rakt Mokshana vis Leech  in some cases.
  • In malignancy conditions Ayurveda has many precious Herbs and Minerals which works good in these conditions.

Pityriasis lichenoid is the rare skin condition having rashes of unknown origin and will not harm the general health. The condition may range from a mild chronic form  to a more severe acute eruption.
The mild form is known as Pityriasis Lichenoids Chronica (PCL). It the gradual development of symptomless small , scaling papules that spontaneously flatten and regress over a peroid of weeks.   The acute form is known as Pityriasis lichenoides et varioliformis acuta (PLEVA).
It is not a hereditary , not infectious and non communicable skin disorder.

Advanced Ayurveda Skin Treatment Centre  has made a Ayurvedic Kit for this skin disorder , which contains Oral medicines , helps to nourish the skin and removes the toxins from the skin . Herbal oils, Herbal creams and lotions are very helpful in external manifestation of the disease.
Long use of these medicines are safe and we have seen clinically in some cases that the disease goes permanently.
Pancha-Karma Detoxification Therapies
Proper Internal and External Oleation and fomentation followed by Virechana and Sansarjan Karma .


Pityriasis Rosea is a common and harmless rash of unknown cause lasts for 6 to 8 weeks. The meaning of the name is the rash is scaly (Pityriasis) and pink (rosea). 
The causes of Pityriasis Rosea may be set off by a viral infection but it doesn’t appear to be contagious. Herpes virus 6 and 7 , influenza viruses and vaccines have been associated with PR in some of the cases. In some cases there are no symptoms but it often follows a few days after a upper respiratory viral infections like cold , cough , sore throat , fever.

The diagnosis is made clinically by seeing the types and symmetry of rashes by an expert skin doctor.


Ayurveda is the safest method of treatment , the ayurvedic creams for local use and Ayurvedic herbs in the form of Capsules , Syrups and tablets are very safe to relief the symptoms and the post healing spots.


Pityriasis rubra pilaris is erythemato squamous eruptions , the name given to a group of rare  and uncommon skin diorders that presented with reddish orange coloured scaling patches with well defined boarders. The name means that they share some of the same features – scaling (pityriasis) , redness (rubra) and involvement of hair follicles (pilaris).
The palms and soles are mostly involved  and becomes diffusely thickened and yellowish (palmoplantar  keratoderma) . It is the skin condition which is usually misdiagnosed as Psoriasis.


Types of PRP includes
Classical adult onset
Atypical adult onset
Classical juvenile onset
Circumscribed juvenile
Atypical juvenile onset
HIV- associated



Oral Mixtures of Herbs and Herbo-Mineral Medicines.
Pancha-Karma Detoxification Therapies
Proper Internal and External Oleation and fomentation followed by Virechana and Sansarjan Karma .
Ayurvedic creams and lotions made by our Advanced Ayurveda Skin Treatment Centre are very safe to use for all ages and for long term withput any side effect.



Pityriasis versicolor (PV) is a skin condition in which flaky discolored patches appear mainly on the chest and back. It is a common chronic noninflammatory usually symptomless skin disorder characterized by different multiple macular patches of all sizes and shapes with varying pigmentation from fawn color to brown colored. It is produced in the humid conditions by the proliferation of the lipophilic yeast , Malassezia furfur , which is a part of the normal flora of the human skin.
The name suggests pityriasis means scaly and versicolor means multiple colours arising in this disorder. These patches may be lighter or darker in colour than the surrounding skin and most commonly affects  the upper body. Sun exposure may make tinea versicolor more apparent.


Pityriasis Versicolor is caused by yeast of the genus Malassezia .It is produced in the humid conditions by the prolification of the lipophilic yeast , Malassezia furfur , which is a part of the normal flora of the human skin.
Usually Malassezia speciaes grow in the seborrhoeic areas – Scalp , Face and Chest – without causing any rash. It is easier to demonstrate the yeasts in scrapings taken from the brown types of Pityriasis Versicolor than from the white type. The pale type of the PV is thought to be due to a chemical produced by Malassezia that diffuses down and impairs the function of the pigment cells in the underlying skin.


Advanced Ayurveda Skin Treatment Centre have made various types of Ayurvedic Medicines for Pityriasis Versicolor. Ayurvedic  Wash , creams , shampoos and lotions are used for this skin condition , which have Anti Fungal , Anti bacterial and antiseptic properties. It not only gives the permanent  relieve  rather helpful  to use long term for reoccurrence of the PV. It may take 8 weeks to many weeks for treatment according to the disease scattered , after treatment the skin becomes normal coloured .

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