Fibromyalgia is perceived as a Vata imbalance. Vata is the main imbalance and aggravated Vata destabilizes the nervous system and can create hypersensitivity leading to pain and tenderness. All people with fibromyalgia have two major problems: pain and fatigue. Treatment is focused on managing pain, fatigue, depression, and other symptoms common in fibromyalgia in an attempt to break the cycle of increased sensitivity to pain and decreased physical activity.
Diet and Nutrition: Following is the diet suggested for the patients suffering from Fibromyalgia and CFS.
Fibromyalgia is an arthritis-related condition that is characterized by generalized muscular pain and fatigue. Fibromyalgia is a recently recognized disorder that is regarded as a chronic condition associated with the experience of non-inflammatory pain and tenderness in muscles, ligaments, joints and fatigue.
Ayur Sudha has developed a Kit for this problem. All are Herbal and Ayurvedic in Nature and there is no side effected reported till by any patient , rather patients gets relief from these medicines.
Theses herbs eliminated the toxins from the body and nourish the tissue of the body and joints and makes the joints, muscles and nerves healthier.
Provides strengths to the joints and check the further damage of the cartilage and restore the normal tone of muscles and joints.
Oral Herbs provides nourishment to Joints