Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSC)

Lichen Simplex Chronicus (LSC)




Lichen Simplex Chronicus is an itchy skin condition causing thickened skin at the area of the skin injured by repeated scratching and rubbing. This scratching causes characteristic changes such as thickening and darkening of the skin. These changes are called lichenification.  It is actually more of a symptom than specific disease itself. 

Lichen Simplex Chronicus  is also known as Neudoderma Circumscripta. It is seen in people with eczema. Although the eczema can affect the whole body the eruptions of LSC are found in one area. The nerve ending of this area are irritable and trigger itch – scratch-itch cycle. The more the eruptions is scratched or rubbed the more it itches and the circle continues.


  • Oral Ayurvedic Medication as herbal formulations which checks the growth of toxins and helps to eliminates the toxins from the body. It enhances the  immune system and strengthens the tissue of the body.
  • LSC- Cure  Cream for local use. It  helps to remove the dead skin and helps to reduce itching
  • LSC- Oil :: It lubricates the skin and helps to regain the skin turgidity & very effective in these  conditions.
  • In some cases when medicines don’t gives the desire results , it implies that there is the blockage of channels called “Srotas “ so here we need Panchakarma purification therapies to open the channels and removal of toxins. Snehan , Swedana , Vaman , Virechana , Basti Karma are prescribed for  patients according to the disease , age and distribution of the Eczema.
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